You can view PO Roll eligibility at any time and see the accounting side of Purchase Orders (POs) through ChartFields. The dashboard will replace PO Roll eligibility reports. 

What’s the purpose of the dashboard?

The Purchase Order Roll BI dashboard allows users to view detailed information about purchase orders. You can review PO roll eligibility, why a PO cannot be rolled, and the PO roll status for prior years. Please see the (placeholder for link) for details about how to use the dashboard.

How can I use the dashboard?

There are two report views: “Pre-Roll Eligibility” and “Post-Roll Status”. Both views also list the number of times each purchase order was cumulatively rolled to date. The “Pre-Roll Eligibility” view provides the PO roll eligibility.

In the “Post-Roll Status” view, users can select a target budget year and the report will then list all purchase orders from the prior budget year and whether or not each was rolled.

What can I do?

Please close the POs you do not need so fewer POs must be rolled during the year end period. Remember to use each PO only for the intended order and create new POs for separate orders.

What’s next?

You will no longer receive PO Roll eligibility report flashes during the year end period. Instead, you can use the more up-to-date information in the Purchase Order Roll BI dashboard!