Dear Budget Colleagues,

New from FY2023 budget cycle is the submission of non-GFS and GFS capital project requests to Capital Planning Committee (CPC) is by SF Budget System rather than by Capital Planning and Reporting System (CPRS). Understand how to use forms 7200 Capital CPC NGFS+ and 7900 Capital CPC GFS to submit requests that will be reviewed by the Capital Planning Committee (CPC) and how to review them in reporting.

Please see attached file below for:

User Guide

Presentation Deck Required Training

Required Training

Department, Capital, Mayor's Budget Office, and Capital Planning Committee (CPC) users must complete the Capital Planning Committee (CPC) process, GFS & NGFS (Course Code CON0BG106-121621) course in SF Learning if they did not attend the live event prior to gaining access to the new budget system. 

Check out the SF Budget Training Series on the SF Budget System Training page.