Attached to this solution article are the template and instructions for mass requests of 10 or more Person of Interest (POI) records for contractors and other non-employees. To submit a request, POI Submitters, (HR System Access Approvers or Designated IT Staff for POI Requests) must complete and attach the template to the Mass Request: Create or Update 10+ POI Records for Contractors or Non-Employees service request. 

To request 9 or less records, please submit the Single Request: Create or Update 1 POI Record for a Contractor or Non-Employee service request.

About POI Records for Contractor and Other Non-Employees 

POI records are necessary for contractors and other non-employees requiring access to:

  • Citywide Enterprise Applications
  • Department-Specific Applications
  • Email
  • VPN
  • Goods & Services Requests

Only HR System Access Approvers and Designated IT Staff for POI Requests may submit requests to create, reactivate, modify or update POI records. POI Sponsors can be Non-POI Submitters, e.g., hiring managers, but they must be City employees responsible for managing their POI's Planned Exit Date through the Contractor Administration page in MyApps.

Note: Active employees and retirees do not need POI records because they already have DSW and POI numbers from their job and POI Retiree records respectively. If your POI already has an existing POI or job record associated with another department, your department must create an account directly in the Citywide Active Directory (CWAD). Please submit a Department of Technology ServiceNOW ticket for assistance with creating a CWAD account.

It is the responsibility of the requester to confirm that the individual does not already have an existing record in SF People & Pay before submitting the request.  If you are an IT staff and do not have access to this information, please coordinate with your HR System Access Approvers to verify this information on your behalf.

Mass requests are resolved within 5 business days. After the POI record is created in SF People and Pay, the POI Submitter (HR SAA or Designated IT Staff) will receive the POI's user ID. The department's IT unit is responsible for providing the POI with initial login credentials after receiving the Identity and Access Management (IAM) notification.

POI requests are only for the purpose of creating, reactivating, modifying and inactivating POI records. Please submit a separate request if your POI requires access to SF Employee Portal systems (SF People & Pay, SF Learning, SF Financials, SF Procurement, SF Reports & Analytics). This two-step process allows us to most efficiently serve department needs and ensure accuracy and system security.