Creating a Maintenance Worksheet
Purpose: This job aid covers the steps to create a Maintenance Worksheet.
The maintenance worksheet is a workspace for writing off, adjusting, or offsetting AR items with credits. We can also use maintenance worksheets to refund an item with a credit balance or to create a new refund item for a credit remaining from maintenance tasks. Using the maintenance worksheet consists of the following four steps:
- Enter the search criteria that determines which items appear in the worksheet
- Use the worksheet application page to select the items to match, to create write off items, and to create adjustment items
- Create the associated accounting entries
- The Item Approver will see the worksheet to post. The automated batch AR update process will then post the transactions to update the customer’s balance
Step 1: On the Financials homepage, select the Receivables & Deposits tile.
Step 2: The Regular Deposit page will appear. In the Receivables Items folder, select Create Maintenance Worksheet.
Step 3: The Create Worksheet search page will appear. Select the Add a New Value tab.
Step 4: Select or enter the appropriate Business Unit. For this example, we’ll select the Port of San Francisco.
Step 5: Click Add.
Step 6: The Worksheet Selection page will appear. On this page, the maintenance worksheet selection criteria can be entered.
The Customer Reference and Item Reference fields work together depending on how we choose the criteria.
Customer Criteria
In the Customer Reference group box, we can select items based on Customer, and selection on the worksheet will be restricted to the specified Customer ID.
If we choose Customer Criteria = None, no items for the customer will be on the worksheet.
If we choose Customer Criteria = Customer Items, we only need to enter a Customer ID to build the worksheet with all items for the specified customer, regardless of business unit. If we enter a business unit, the selection is restricted to items with the Customer ID and Business Unit combination. Eligible items for the customer will be selectable on the Worksheet Application page.
Note: None of the items built onto the Worksheet from Customer Reference criteria will be automatically selected on the worksheet.
Reference Criteria
The Item Reference grid is used to add and select items not found by the Customer Reference criteria onto the worksheet. Or, if the item is already found using the Customer Reference criteria, it will be automatically selected on the worksheet.
If we choose Reference Criteria = Specific Value or Range of References, the Restrict to field becomes active. We can restrict the Item search to the following selections:
Customer Only – Selects items matching the Item Reference values for only the customer(s) specified in the Customer Reference fields.
All Customers – Ignores any specified customer(s). The worksheet is built from items matching the Item Reference values, for all customers regardless of customers listed in the Customer Reference fields.
Step 7: Select or enter the appropriate Customer. For this example, we will enter Cust ID ‘1000001121’. Verify that the desired Business Unit is populated. If it is not, choose the desired Business Unit. The Customer Criteria will change to ‘Customer Items’. Click the Build button.
Step 8: The Worksheet Application page displays a list of open items based on the specified Customer and Item Reference criteria. The Entry Type field in the Item Action section specifies the type of transaction that is to be performed for the payment. The options are as follows:
- Offset an Item – Select to offset all of the selected items
- Refund a Credit – Select to refund Selected Credit items
- Write off a Credit – Select to write off selected credit items
- Write off a Debit – Select to write-off selected debit items
Step 9: For this example, we will leave Entry Type as ‘Offset an Item.’ Select the item(s) associated with your credits and debits. Note that we can scroll to the right side of the page and view all items if the list is small enough. We can also sort using the column headers.
Step 10: The Type automatically appears as ‘MATCH’ when the items are selected. The maintenance worksheet must be balanced before it can be posted; verify that the Debit and Credit amounts are equal. If we don’t remember which items are selected, we can sort using the Sel column header to bring them to the top.
Step 11: Once an item is selected in a worksheet, it will no longer be available for selection in a different worksheet. Click Save.
Step 12: Click the Worksheet Action link, which will allow us to create or review the accounting entries.
Step 13: Here we can create and review the accounting entries. Click the Create/Review Entries button.
Step 14: The accounting entries for the payment worksheet are created. Note that this screenshot only shows the accounting for one of the two lines. Click the Return To Previous Panel button.
Step 15: If changes to the maintenance worksheet are needed, the Item Processor has the option to delete the worksheet in the Worksheet Action section and start over. Click Save.
Done! The maintenance worksheet is saved, and ready for the Item Approver to set it to post.