1. Q: What kind of training will be available for Suppliers?  Will Suppliers be given a "checklist" of supporting documents that need to be submitted?  

A: Yes, we will hold several trainings for Suppliers and publish articles they can refer to.

2. Q: Are Tech Marketplace Suppliers required to use eSettlements to submit invoices?

A: Yes, we will require the Tech Marketplace vendors to use eSettlements to submit invoices.

3. Q: Are other Suppliers required to use eSettlements?

A: Only Tech Marketplace Suppliers will be required to use eSettlements for the time being.

4. Q: Will Systems provide a list of suppliers that are required to submit invoices via eSettlements?

A: Yes, we are launching electronic invoices with 52 specific Suppliers.

5. Q: Once this pilot is done, will other Suppliers be required to submit invoices using eSettlements?

A: We hope so!

6. Q: Are nonprofit organizations contracted by the City expected to use eSettlements?

A: We believe it would be beneficially for non-profits organizations setup as Suppliers within SF Financials to use eSettlements.

7. Q: Will professional services eventually be billed via eSettlements? A purchase order for services is usually for amount only.  

A: Professional Services are currently being invoiced through eSettlements. It’s important to keep in mind that a receipt is created within SF Procurement before the invoice is created via eSettlements.

8. Q: If we use an external department application to intake invoices, do we exempt these 52 Suppliers or any who will begin to eSettlements from our current practice? Are Suppliers mandated to only use eSettlements and discontinue with our department application?

A: One objective for the eSettlements project is to have consistency for the Tech Marketplace suppliers and citywide sightline for the Purchaser of all invoices across all departments. Therefore, use of eSettlements is the required online system for all Tech Marketplace suppliers to use for invoices to any city department going forward.  

12. Q: How do we convince our Suppliers to adopt eSettlements? It seems like it is extra work for them. Can they directly upload invoices from their accounting system to the City's system? Currently they just print and mail.

A: We will share the benefits with Suppliers, including more transparency about the status of their invoices. This process will be easier and less work for Suppliers. 

13. Q: Is this an efficient process for professional services? Seems like there is still a lot of back and forth between the Supplier, project manager and AP to confirm services, create and relay receipt information. etc. 

A: A Receipt is an official record of goods or services that the City has received from a Supplier. Receipt Processors can create Receipts for professional services after the Project Manager has confirmed that the services have been completed. This works well for professional services POs that are set up on a deliverable or hourly rate basis. Project Managers can also be role mapped to the Receipt Processor role.

14. Q: How do you convince colleagues to adopt ideal business processes when some have been institutionalized?

A: As for Suppliers, eSettlements will be easier and less work for employees. We are working on showing employees the benefits for them through this training series.

15. Q: What happens if the Supplier does not go online?

A: If the Supplier does not go online, they would have to reach out to departments to have an invoice processed. Departments should direct Suppliers to create invoicing via the SF City Partner and eSettlements.

16. Q: Will this process be efficient for Suppliers who have 50+ or 100+ invoices per month?

A: Yes, because it will be online and no postage will be required. We will also reach out to Suppliers after go-live to make sure this new process is helping them.

17. Q: If the same Supplier provides both Tech Marketplace services and non-Tech Marketplace services, should the Supplier submit eSettlements for all invoices, or only for Tech Marketplace invoices? If only for Tech Marketplace invoices, how will departments know which invoice should be eSettlements and which will not? Partial invoices for eSettlements may cause confusion and more work.

A: Once we activate a Supplier for eSettlements, they can submit invoices online for any of their POs. If you have a specific question, please submit through the SF Employee Portal Support Request

18. Q: Can a Supplier sign up for eSettlements when my department and I are not ready?

A: Any of the designated 52 Tech Marketplace Suppliers can sign up for eSettlements starting March 1.

19. Q: When will we know if our Suppliers are onboarding to eSettlements? 

A: At this time, the 52 designated Tech Marketplace Suppliers can onboard to eSettlements starting March 1. We will notify departments before we expand eSettlements to additional Suppliers.

20. Q: What job aids and notifications have you sent to the 52 suppliers? Can you please forward to departments as reference?

A: You can see all Supplier resources in our March 1 email.

21. Q: Where can I find the list of 52 Suppliers?

A: Please see the SF City Partner Online Invoicing Tech Marketplace Supplier List.

22. Q: Is there a directory of how to contact the person for each Supplier who creates online invoices?

A: Please refer to the How to find a Supplier in SF Procurement job aid for instructions about how to identify contact information based on Supplier ID. 

23. Q: Can you guys provide an offline example of an eSettlements with errors, so we can practice?

A: We do not have a test environment or sandbox for online invoicing.

24. Q: Will there be a forum and/or meetings to support one another around common issues/challenges related to voucher build and other matters?

A: We are open to a forum in the coming months! Always feel free to provide feedback in our post-session survey about what would be most helpful for you. 

25. Q: Did all 52 Tech Marketplace suppliers agree to use eSettlements to submit vouchers?  What if they choose to submit invoice to our Department like what they are doing now?

A: OCA informed all 52 Tech Marketplace suppliers that they must use eSettlements to submit vouchers effective 3/1/21. None objected. If you find a supplier will not agree to do so, please let Jonathan Jew know (jonathan.jew@sfgov.org) and we can address at that time.

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