1. Q: What is a BI report?

A: BI is short for "Business Intelligence." You know it as SF Reports & Analytics, which pulls data from our business lines including SF Procurement and SF Financials.

2. Q: Will a report be created in SF Reports & Analytics so we can monitor vouchers and validity?

A: Yes, there will be a report in SF Reports & Analytics!

3. Q: Is it possible to have an SF Reports & Analytics report that departments can run listing vouchers automatically generated by online invoicing?

A: Yes, we already have multiple reports that departments can run to do this.

4. Q: Is there a way to run a report or function in SF Financials and SF Procurement that has access to "not used" receipts? Sometimes two receipts were created by two different people but refer to one invoice. One receipt was used, but the other one was left hanging in the PO. If the PO has a volume of activities, it is so difficult to detect unused receipts unless do a recon.

A: The Systems Division recommends a one to one relationship for POs, Receipts and Vouchers for eSettlements. Departments can use the Document Status hyperlink on the Maintain Purchase Order or Purchase Order Inquiry page to or view the Purchase Order lifecycle with all the upstream and downstream transactions.

5. Q: What roles are needed to run the queries presented? 

A: AP Reporter role for the Voucher Build Error Query

6. Q: Which report should we run for Supplier payment addresses?

A: There is no report for payment addresses.

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