1. Q: Will existing POs need to be changed to better align with eSettlements, or will this be better suited for new POs going forward?

A: No change will be required for detailed POs that are entered accurately. Blanket POs can be replaced with detailed POs that are entered accurately to leverage the system automation functionality of the eSettlements process. 

2. Q: Will quarterly "partial payments" of POs be recognized and allowed by eSettlements?

A: Yes, partial payments can be made in eSettlements by creating partial Receipts for the quarterly payments.

3. Q: How are foreign currencies handled in eSettlements?

A: Our systems are based on USD, so POs with foreign currencies need to be converted to USD before being entered.

4. Q: What if UOM per PO is different from UOM from invoice?

A: The Purchase Order should be Change Ordered to update the UOM if the PO UOM is incorrect.

5. Q: If a vendor needs help troubleshooting invoice entry or other issue, who do they ask?

A: They can call 415-944-2442 or email sfcitypartnersupport@sfgov.org, and our service desk will be happy to assist.

6. Q: In a 5 way match, one of the criteria is "Active Contract". If PO was released (e.g. 12/30/20) when the contract (e.g. expired 12/31/20) was still active, and the invoice was received on 1/31/21, will the matching go through or it will create an exception since the contract has expired by the time invoice is processed?

A: If the contract is expired, it will fail matching.

7. Q: In a 5 way match, where in the process does the voucher processor see the voucher?

A: The AP Processor sees the voucher anytime. But matching is done twice a day.

8. Q: Can the partial quantity be prorated?

A: The system Allocation Type for Receipts defaults to Prorate. When a Receipt is copied from a PO the Receipt Processor can select specific PO lines and reduce the quantities/amount to create a partial Receipt. When a PO line is selected all the distributions for the selected PO line are copied over to the Receipt. Distribution line information should be updated if necessary upstream on the PO.

9. Q: How do we handle an invoice over 30 and 60 days submitted by a Supplier?

A: This is an internal process set up by each department and would be the same whether using eSettlements or creating vouchers online.  

10. Q: Will there be a sandbox pre or post go-live to troubleshoot through the various errors that can occur?

A: No. A sandbox environment will not be provided at this time.

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