Posting a Pending Item
Purpose: This job aid covers the steps to post a pending item, which can be a customer invoice, a credit memo, a debit memo, or an overdue charge.
Overview: SF Financials Receivables distinguishes between items (posted receivables) and pending items (information that has been entered into the system but has not yet been posted). Receivables follows the standard of bundling pending items into groups rather than handling them individually. The system assigns a group ID to each group of pending items, and that group ID remains with the group even after it is posted. The system processes pending items in groups. We can keep track of the group ID throughout the cycle so that we have it when we want to view progress or check the status of a pending item.
Step 1: On the Financials homepage, select the Receivables & Deposits tile.
Step 2: The Regular Deposit page will appear. In the Receivables Items folder, select Create Receivables Items.
Step 3: On the Group Entry search page, we’ll accept the default Group Unit of ‘SFGOV’. To continue the example from job aid Creating a Pending Item, we’ll enter Group ID ‘5696’. Click Search.
Step 4: From this page, the Item Approver is able to review the pending item details before setting the item to post. Select the Group Action tab.
Step 5: From the Action dropdown, select Batch Standard.
Step 6: The Status shows ‘Do Not Post’. Click the OK button.
Step 7: Status will update to ‘Batch Standard’. Click Save.
Done! The pending item is saved and ready to post. The scheduled ARUPDATE process will post and process the item.